A Must Watch If You've Got Sports Goals & Performance Goals



Watch this video to see if this is for you!

Knowing "how to eat" &

knowing how to fuel for performance

are not the same thing.

When you're an athlete or active adult,

your body needs training fuel

in addition to your normal meals.

And it needs it very strategically:

🎯 The right kind
⚖️ in the right amount
⏱️ at the right time
✅ for the right purpose

Because not all workouts are created equal,

not all goals require the same fueling,

and every single workout is impacted by different circumstances and needs in the day surrounding it

READY? Jump in now ⤵️

We pulled Performance Fueling out of our master resource, The Nutrition Reframe™ , so you can access it if you want to specifically start with targeting your sports nutrition.

Will This Work For Me?

Still unsure? Here are more specific examples of people and circumstances where Performance Fueling had massive impact:

SOUNDS LIKE YOU? Jump in now ⤵️


✨ You want to learn how to support your body throughout your training cycle

✨ You want to recover properly - and faster

✨ No matter how much you train, you don't seem to be getting stronger or faster

✨ You want to know all of your effort is going to pay off, and not just "hope" that it's working

You can't seem to beat your training partner, no matter how much effort you put in

✨ You clocked that dreaded "DNF" and don't ever want to experience that again

✨ You've had stress fractures, consistent injuries, dizziness, poor sleep, weakness...

...or any other weird niggle or twinge that everyone says "comes with working out"


✅ Are tired of conflicting info in magazines, from your trainer/coach, on social media...
Want easy, clear-cut guidelines & action steps on exactly what to do before, during, and after your workouts & training sessions to maximize ROI

✌🏼And you want to know the guidelines are coming from an actual qualified source - aka, a Registered Dietitian with 20 years of experience working with athletes on performance & functional nutrition

(PS: We've got a combined thirty years of experience in exactly this here at Screen Nutrition. We work with state champion powerlifters, Ironman triathletes, ultramarathoners, elite swimmers, rowers, soccer players, cyclists...and also mere mortals who are just trying to keep the hinges from getting squeaky by hitting the gym regularly! You name the activity, we've fueled it. 🔥✌🏼)

READY TO GO? Jump in now ⤵️

Here's when this might not be for you...

👎🏼 you're looking for a "quick fix" instead of learning to properly support your body.

👎🏼 are dealing with an active eating disorder

👎🏼 are focused on "aesthetics fueling", rather than performance fueling (the 2 are very different goals)

👎🏼 are not willing to take the extra 5 minutes before, during, and after your workouts and training sessions to give your body the TLC it needs to get stronger & faster with the efforts you're asking of it!

None of those apply to you? Then this mini-course is perfect for you!

Here's what we're covering in this mini-course:

1️⃣ What to do before your workout. (Don't you dare head into your effort fasted, friend! 😣 We'll show you what to do.)

2️⃣ What to do during your workout. (Because lifting heavy stuff or pounding the pavement is only 50% of your job while training.)

3️⃣ What to do after your workout.
(Because proper recovery determines whether everything you just did will make you better - or was for nothing...🫠)

...plus detailed examples of what foods to use when (and why) in a handy printable resource!


See The Success Others Have Had:

You'll leave this mini course knowing exactly how, what, and when to eat

before your workout
💪🏼 during your workout, and

😴 after your workout

to maximize your efforts, reach your goals, help prevent injury, and recover faster and more completely - and why!

Hey Athlete!

Do you want to actually feel like an athlete?
Crush your next PR on the road?
Tackle the next 1 rep max on the bench?
Know exactly how to maximize every workout?

And have energy when you actually get to the gym, with consistency and you not feeling exhausted & burnt out?

Congratulations - you're ready for the "other" 50% of working out & training:

Knowing exactly how to fuel for your activity!

Is Any Of This Relatable? ⬇️

Performance Fueling Curriculum

  Feed Your Engine - Performance Fueling
Available in days
days after you enroll